230: Seminar in 19th-Century Literature and Culture: Manzoni and the Making of Italy

M 2-5 | Dwinelle 6331 | Instructor: Albert Ascoli

Units: 2 or 4

Taught in Italian

Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of Instructor

A reading of the major works, especially I promessi sposi, of Alessandro Manzoni, in cultural-historical context.  Attention will be paid to the importance of Manzoni, his novel and his educational and linguistic influence, for post-Risorgimental efforts to construct an Italian national identity.

Course Requirements: attendance and active participation; reports and presentations; final research paper or project.

Required books:
I promessi sposi, Garzanti paperback edition (if you wish to be part of a group order, contact the instructor at least two weeks in advance of the course)