Diego Pirillo Full List of Publications


The Atlantic Republic of Letters: Knowledge and Colonialism in the Age of Franklin (Philadelphia: the University of Pennsylvania Press, 2025).

The Refugee-Diplomat: Venice, England and the Reformation (Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 2018).

Winner of the 2019 MLA Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Italian Studies.

Reviews: Church History, 3, 2019, pp. 826-828;  Choice, 56, 8,  (Apr 2019): p. 1064; American Historical Review, 2020; Renaissance Quarterly, 2020, 73 (2), pp. 697-698; Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique, 2020, pp. 378-379; Archivio Veneto, 19, 2020, pp. 162-164; Fides et historia, 52 (1), 2020, p.140; Corriere della Sera (La lettura) 1 March 2020, p. 11; Laboratoire italien, September 2020 (online); Annali Recensioni Online (Journal of the German-Italian Historical Institute) September 2020 (online).

Filosofia ed eresia nell’Inghilterra del tardo Cinquecento. Bruno, Sidney e i dissidenti religiosi italiani, Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2010.



– Renaissance Refugees: Religious Migrations in Early Modern Italy (under contract with Cambridge University Press).



Rediscovering Treaties: Peace Making and the Political Grammar of Agreements in the Premodern World (Oxford: Oxford University Press, in press), edited with Isabella Lazzarini and Luciano Piffanelli.

Rethinking Catholicism in Early Modern Italy. Gender, Space, Mobility. Special issue of Religions (2023), co-edited with John Christopoulos.

Favole, metafore, storie: Un seminario su Giordano Bruno, intr. by M. Ciliberto, Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2007.
Reviews: Renaissance Quarterly, 61, 2008, pp. 1340-1341.



– “How Knowledge Travels: Learned Periodicals and the Atlantic Republic of Letters,” in press, The Journal of the History of Ideas.

– “Rethinking Catholicism in Early Modern Italy,” co-written with John Christopoulos, in Rethinking Catholicism in Early Modern Italy: Gender, Space, Mobility, special issue of Religions (2023).

– “Renaissance Intellectuals and American Historians: a Historiographical Survey”, in Bruniana & Campanelliana, 1/2020, 265-281.

– “Espionage and Theology in the Anglo-Venetian Renaissance”, in Mediterranean Studies, 25/2017,  53-75.

– “The Italian Reformation”, in Oxford Bibliographies, Oxford University Press, 2015.

– “The Council and the ‘Papal Prince’: Trent Seen by the Italian Reformers, in California Italian Studies, 2014, 392-413.

– “‘Questo buon monaco non ha inteso il Macchiavello”: Reading Campanella in Sarpi’s Shadow”, in Bruniana & Campanelliana, 2014/1, 129-144.

– “Eretici italiani e selvaggi americani: il Nuovo Mondo nella coscienza protestante italiana del Cinquecento”, in Rinascimento, L, 2010, 377-397.

– “Neostoicismo e diritto di resistenza: una nuova edizione del De regni apud Scotos dialogus di George Buchanan”, in Bruniana & Campanelliana, 2008/1, 137-145.

– “Inglese italianato è un “diavolo incarnato”: in margine ad un recente studio su John Florio e la cultura italiana in Inghilterra’, in Rinascimento, XLVI, 2006, 585-593. 

“Bruno, gli Inglesi e il Nuovo Mondo”, in Rinascimento, XLIV, 2004, 49-75.

– “Intorno all’idea di giustizia misericordiosa: Bruno e gli “eretici italiani”, in Rinascimento, XLII, 2002, 443-462.



– “Refugees, Diplomats and the Reformation that Never Happened,” in The Brill Companion on the Italian Reformation (Leiden: Brill, in progress).

– “Italian Refugee Literature and its Early Modern Audiences (1542-1702)”, in Textuality and Diversity: A Literary History of Europe and its Global Connections, 1545-1659, Oxford University Press (in press).

– “‘The excellent civil Policy of the Jesuits…deserves our imitation’: Anglican Missionaries, Native Americans, and the Jesuit Utopia of Paraguay,” in Gentle Deeds: Essays on History and Literature in Honor of John Watkins: Routledge (submitted).

– “Negotiating on the Frontier: Indian Treaties and the Republic of Letters”, in Rediscovering Treaties: Peace Making and the Political Grammar of Agreements in the Pre-Modern World (submitted).

– “The Political Grammar of Agreements in the Premodern World. An Introductory Note”, co-written with Isabella Lazzarini and Luciano Piffanelli, in Rediscovering Treaties: Peace Making and the Political Grammar of Agreements in the Pre-Modern World (submitted).

– “Arguing about Refugeedom: Religious Mobility in Jacobean London and Counter-Reformation Rome” in Refugee Politics in Early Modern Europe, London: Bloomsbury (in press).

– “Philosophers, Heretics and Censors: Plato in Tridentine Italy”, in The Brill’s Companion to Medieval and Early Modern Platonism, Leiden, Brill (in press).

– “Tra Firenze, Venezia e Londra: l’ultima fase del Tridentino e la crisi delle ‘speranze conciliari’”, in Firenze nella crisi religiosa del Cinquecento (1498-1569), Turin, Claudiana, 2020,  281-300.

– “Peace Movements in Renaissance Italy”, in A Cultural History of Peace: the Renaissance, London, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2020, 101-116.

– “Anglo-Venetian Networks: Paolo Sarpi in Seventeenth-Century England” (co-authored with Chiara Petrolini), in The Routledge Research Companion to Anglo-Italian Renaissance Literature and Culture, New York, Routledge, 2019.

– “Heretics, Translators, Intelligencers: Italian Reformers in Tudor England”, in The Routledge Research Companion to Anglo-Italian Renaissance Literature and Culture, New York: Routledge, 2019.

– “Visto dall’esilio: il concilio nel Thesoro politico di Giacomo Castelvetro”, in Trent and Beyond. Other Powers, Other Cultures, Turnhout, Brepols, 2017.

– “Venetian Merchants as Diplomatic Agents: Cross-Confessional Diplomacy in Early Modern Europe,” in Nathalie Rivère de Carles, Early Modern Diplomacy, Theatre and Soft Power. The Making of Peace (London: Palgrave, 2016), pp. 183-204.

– “Philosophy”, in The Cambridge Companion to the Italian Renaissance, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2014, 260-275.

– “Voyagers and Translators in Elizabethan England: Richard Hakluyt, John Florio and Renaissance Travel Collections”, in Travels and Translations, Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi, 2013, 27-47.

– “Tasso at the French Embassy. Epic, Diplomacy and the Law of Nations”, in Authority and Diplomacy from Dante to Shakespeare, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2013, 135-153.

– “Republicanism and Religious Dissent: Machiavelli and the Italian Protestant Reformers”, in Machiavellian Encounters in Tudor and Stuart England. Literary and Political Influences from the Reformation to the Restoration, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2013, 121-140.

– “Balance of Power and the Freedom of the Seas: Richard Hakluyt and Alberico Gentili”, in Richard Hakluyt and Travel Writing in Early Modern Europe, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2012, 177-186.

– “Relativismo culturale e armonia del mondo”: l’enciclopedia etnografica di Johannes Boemus”, in Festschrift for Adriano Prosperi, Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2011, 67-77.

– “La plus volontaire mort, c’est la plus belle: John Florio tra Montaigne e Calvino”, in Montaigne contemporaneo, Firenze, Le Lettere, 2011, 193-205.

– “Nuovo Mondo”, in Enciclopedia Bruniana & Campanelliana, ed. E. Canone and G. Ernst, Pisa-Roma, Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2010, 122-134.

– “Schiavitù e diritto delle genti nel De iure belli di Alberico Gentili”, in Servitù e dominio nella cultura filosofica europea tra Cinquecento e Seicento, Firenze, Le Lettere, 2009, 119-135.

– “Tra obbedienza e resistenza: Alberico Gentili e George Buchanan”, in Ius gentium, ius communicationis, ius belli. Alberico Gentili e gli orizzonti della modernità, Giuffré, Milano, 2009, 211-227.

“Da Croce e Gentile alla ‘cittadinanza europea’: la Scuola dell’uomo di Guido Calogero”, in Dialoghi con il Presidente. Allievi ed ex allievi delle Scuole d’eccellenza pisane a colloquio con Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2008, 13-28.

– “Repubblicanesimo e tirannicidio: osservazioni su Alberico Gentili e Giordano Bruno”, in Alberico Gentili. La salvaguardia dei beni culturali nel diritto internazionale, Milano, Giuffré, 2008, 277-303.

– “Magia e machiavellismo: Giordano Bruno tra praxis magica e vita civile”, in Tra antica sapienza e filosofia naturale. La magia nell’Europa moderna, Olschki, Firenze 2007, 513-542.

“Tirannide e tirannicidio nello Spaccio: Bruno tra George Buchanan e Alberico Gentili”, in Favole, metafore, storie. Un seminario su Giordano Bruno, Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2007, 249-279.

– “Il battesimo degli Indios: polemiche di fine Cinquecento”, in Salvezza delle anime e disciplina dei corpi. Un seminario sulla storia del battesimo, Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2006, 425-448.



– “Bruno, Giordano”, in Encyclopedia for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (New York: Springer, 2019).

– “Calvino, Giovanni,” “Elisabetta”, “filantropia”, “Florio, John”, “Gentili, Alberico”, “Inghilterra”, “ius”, “Lutero, Martin”, “Machiavelli, Niccolò”, “pace”, “principe”, “puritani”,“repubblica”, “tirannide”, for the Dizionario Giordano Bruno, ed. M. Ciliberto, Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2015.

– “Gentili, Alberico” and “Telesio, Bernardino”, in Dizionario storico dell’Inquisizione, ed. A. Prosperi with the collaboration of V. Lavenia and J. Tedeschi, Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2010, II, 653-654 and III, 1564-1566.



– Anthony Grafton and Maren Elisabeth Schwab, The Art of Discovery. Digging into the Past in Renaissance Europe (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2022).

– Owen Stanwood, The Global Refugee: Huguenots in an Age of Empire (Oxford: Oxford University Press,  2020), American Historical Review (2021).

– Michele Camaioni, Il Vangelo e l’Anticristo. Bernardino Ochino tra francescanesimo ed eresia (Bologna: Il Mulino: 2018), Church History (2021)

– Tracey A. Sowerby and Jan Hennings (eds.), Practices of Diplomacy in the Early Modern World c.1410-1800 (London and New York: Routledge, 2017), English Historical Review (2018).

– Massimo Firpo and Fabrizio Biferali, Immagini ed eresie nell’Italia del Cinquecento (Roma-Bari: Laterza, 2016), Renaissance Quarterly (2017).

– Jay Caplan, Postal Culture in Europe. 1500-1800 (Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2016), The Journal of Modern History (2017).

– Daniel Jütte, The Age of Secrecy. Jews, Christians and the Economy of Secrets, 1400-1800 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2015), The Journal of Early Modern History (2016).

– Stefano Dall’Aglio, The Duke’s Assassin. Exile and Death of Lorenzino de’Medici (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2015), H-Net Humanities and Social Sciences OnLine (H-Italy).

– Germana Ernst, Tommaso Campanella. The Book and the Body of Nature (Dordrecht, Springer, 2010), Sixteenth Century Journal (2013).

– Giorgio Caravale, Il profeta disarmato. L’eresia di Francesco Pucci nell’Europa del Cinquecento, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2011, Renaissance Quarterly (2012)

– Francesco Pucci, L’informatione della religione christiana, ed. by M. Biagioni, Torino, Claudiana, 2011, in Bruniana & Campanelliana, 2011/2.

– Saverio Ricci, Inquisitori, censori, filosofi sullo scenario della Controriforma, Roma, Salerno, 2008, in Giornale critico della filosofia italiana, 2010.

– Antonio Labriola, Giordano Bruno: scritti editi ed inediti, 188-1900, ed. S. Miccolis and A. Savorelli, Firenze, 2008, in Bruniana & Campanelliana, 2010.

– John Headley, The Europeanization of the World. On the Origins of Human Rights and Democracy, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2008, in Bruniana & Campanelliana, 2009/2.

Richard Hakluyt: Life, Times Legacy, report of the conference held at the National Maritime Museum, London, May, 2008, in Bruniana & Campanelliana, 2009/1.

– Costantino Esposito – S. Poggi, Filosofia moderna, Milano, Bompiani, 2006, in Giornale critico della filosofia italiana, 2008/2.

Saverio Di Lisio, Bartolomé de las Casas – Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda. La controversia sugli indios, Bari, 2006, in Bruniana & Campanelliana, 2007/2.

“La fortuna di Machiavelli”, in Giornale critico della filosofia italiana, III, 2006, 489-495.