Duelli e Conversioni nei Promessi Sposi

This talk is in Italian.

Professor Sergio Zatti is Visiting Professor in the Chair of Italian Culture for Fall 2016. Professor Zatti teaches Italian Literature at the Università di Pisa, with specializations in the history of literary criticism, Renaissance epic, and, more recently, autobiography. He has previously held visiting appointments at Yale University (2003), and Harvard University (2008), among other institutions in North America and France, and holds a doctorate from the prestigious Scuola normale superiore in Pisa. In addition to numerous essays, he is the author of five monographs, including L’uniforme cristiano e il multiforme pagano. Saggio sulla “Gerusalemme Liberata” (1983), Il ‘Furioso’ fra epos e romanzo (1990), L’ombra del Tasso. Epica e romanzo nel Cinquecento (1996), Il modo epico, (2000) and The Quest for Epic: from Ariosto to Tasso (2006). He is among the leading literary scholars in Italy today, and fits perfectly the mission of the Chair of Italian Culture to bring the leading scholars and artists of Italy to engage with the Berkeley community.

Read more about the Chair of Italian Culture here.

With questions, contact issa@berkeley.edu or (510)642-2704.