The Diplomacy of Refugees: Venice, England, and the Reformation

A Book Manuscript Conference sponsored by the Institute of International Studies and the Townsend Center for the Humanities.

Please join us at the Institute of International Studies for a discussion of Diego Pirillo’s latest book manuscript, under contract with Cornell University Press. The Diplomacy of Refugees: Venice, England and the Reformation is the first systematic study dedicated to the role played by religious refugees in early modern international relations. Using a broad range of sources (archival records, diplomatic and mercantile letters, literary texts and marginalia) it opens a new chapter in the study of early modern diplomacy and brings to light the many diplomatic functions performed by religious refugees (as intelligencers, go-betweens, cultural brokers and at times also as negotiations and representatives) in an age in which states did not have a full monopoly on international relations.


2:00 – Diego Pirillo, UC Berkeley: Introduction
2:30 – Nicholas Terpstra, University of Toronto; Ethan Shagan, UC Berkeley: Discussion
3:30 – Coffee Break & Refreshments
3:45 – Timothy Hampton, UC Berkeley; Albert Ascoli, UC Berkeley: Discussion
4:45 – Coffee Break & Refreshments
5:00 – Stefano Villani, University of Maryland; Kinch Hoekstra, UC Berkeley: Discussion
6:00 – Conclusion