C203: Comparative Studies in Romance Literatures and Cultures: Histories and Theories of Narrative

M 2-5 | 6331 Dwinelle | Instructor: Albert Ascoli

Units: 4

Cross-listed with French C203, Section 1 and Spanish C203, Section 1.

Advanced reading knowledge of one major romance language required, readings available in the original or in English translation as needed.

Course conducted in English.

 This course is an introduction to the history and theory of narrative using comparative examples from the Italian, French, Spanish and Latin traditions. The core of the seminar will be a five-week long visit (2/15-3/14) by Prof. Guido Mazzoni (University of Siena; Chair of Italian Culture 2015-16), who will present and discuss his work on the theory of the novel. Prof. Mazzoni’s visit will be preceded by three weeks in which we will read examples of classic narrative theory and of prose narrative from the earlier periods. It will be followed by six weeks taught by Prof. Ascoli and a number of guest speakers (including Barbara Spackman; Timothy Hampton; Henrike Lange; and others) who will present on additional exemplary texts as well as on other recent developments in the study of narrative. Among the topics considered will be the genre of romance; visual narratives; “extreme narrative” and anti-narrative in the novel; and so on.

Students are expected to attend and participate regularly. There will may be occasional in-class presentations. The principal assignment for the course is a research paper of ca. 6000 words (ca. 25 pages). Topics must be closely related to the concerns of the course although they may focus on authors and texts from the Romance tradition not directly treated in seminar. Students enrolled for two credits [see below] will not write a final essay, but will complete all other course assignments.

 Texts: TBA

*Prerequisites and Enrollment Criteria:

 Graduate standing in RLL, Italian Studies, French, Spanish and Portuguese, or Comparative Literature. Others by permission of instructor (ascoli@berkeley.edu)

4 credit enrollment required to fulfill RLL Core Course requirement.

Students wishing to take the class for 2 credits (without term paper), will be accommodated: consult Prof. Ascoli (ascoli@berkeley.edu).

Students wishing to audit during the five-week duration of Prof. Mazzoni’s visit (2/15 through 3/14) may do so with permission of Prof. Ascoli.