70: Introduction to Italian Cinema

MW 11-12 | 142 Dwinelle | Instructor: Noa Steimatsky

Units: 3 Satisfies L&S Arts & Literature OR Historical Studies breadth requirement.

Taught in English.

This course is a brief introduction to the history of Italian cinema. We will study major auteurs and genres of Italian cinema in the context of Italian culture and history from 1895 to the present. Film clips will be shown in lectures along with complete film screenings during the weekly film lab. All students must attend both the weekly lectures and screenings.

Texts and films to be announced.

Prerequisites: none. No prior knowledge of Italian cinema or theory is necessary.

Screenings: M 2-4, 223 Dwinelle. CCN: 46954

Discussion Sections:
Section 101: F 11-12, 54 Barrows. CCN: 46957
Section 102: F 12-1, 235 Dwinelle. CCN: 46960
Section 103: F 2-3, 106 Dwinelle. CCN: 46963