Congratulations to Cristina Farronato!

May 14, 2023

Complimenti to Cristina Farronato on being awarded a BLC Fellowship for Spring 2024!

These fellowships will provide lecturers with the equivalent of one-course release time to work on individual projects designed to further their own professional development. Research projects might include: designing and developing instructional materials of various kinds; developing innovative uses of technology; developing new course syllabi or curricular innovations or assessment plans; engaging in independent study of an area of relevant literature, including enrolling in a course of relevant interest offered at UC Berkeley; doing an empirical study of some aspect of language learning; preparing a research paper for public presentation or publication in a professional journal. The fellowship culminates in a presentation to the UC Berkeley language community and a report published on the BLC website. Past fellows have also presented their research at conferences, or published their work in established journals.