News & Events


December 16, 2024

Three instructors discuss why Italian author Elena Ferrante’s work is so captivating worldwide, including at Berkeley.

December 10, 2024

November 11, 2024

Professor Akash Kumar is a scholar of medieval Italian literature. He specifically focuses on the history of science and philosophy, Mediterranean Studies, and digital humanities. Professor Kumar is also a founding member of the Cosmopolitan Italies Collective; a member of the executive committee of the Critical Race, Diasporas, and Migrations Caucus of the American Association of Italian Studies; and has served as a member of the editorial board of Digital Dante.

March 5, 2024

Lauren Bartone is a PhD student in Italian Studies with a designated emphasis in folklore. Her background as a visual artist strongly informs her approach to studying Italian culture. Before joining the Department of Italian Studies at Berkeley, she completed a B.A. in Fine Art at UCLA, followed by an M.A. in Education at UC Berkeley, and an M.F.A. at Vermont College of Fine Arts.

October 24, 2023

A Berkeley EECS alumna who studies Italian while completing her M.S., Asli Akalin, has been featured on the Arts and Humanities website as part of the campaign to celebrate language learning at Berkeley. The accompanying banners for this campaign will be placed on light posts across campus this semester.

September 1, 2023

Yuqi Tian majored in Italian Studies, Geography, Comparative Literature with minors in Gender & Women's Studies and a Certificate in New Media. She was part of the campus-wide campaign to celebrate multi-lingualism and language learning on the UC Berkeley Campus from 2023-2025. This short interview reveals Yuqi's love for Italian Studies and language learning. 

June 13, 2023

Why settle for just learning Italian or cooking Italian food while you can do that at the same time?

May 19, 2023

Mia Fuller has been promoted to Full ProfessorMia’s promotion is a recognition of her excellence in research, evinced by her many significant interventions into the field of Italian Studies (and beyond), and her outstanding teaching profile. Many of us know that this also includes countless hours of first-rate graduate student mentorship.

Congratulations to Nicole Trigg on receiving a Summer Dissertation Writing Award from the Berkeley Graduate DivisionComplimenti, Nicole!

Congratulations to Ph.D. Candidate Sean Wyer on being awarded a Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation FellowshipComplimenti, Sean!

May 14, 2023

Complimenti to Cristina Farronato on being awarded a BLC Fellowship for Spring 2024!

May 1, 2023

Congratulations to Mariagrazia De Luca on being awarded a Daniel E. Koshland Jr. Fellowship in the Art of Teaching Writing!

February 28, 2023

February 23, 2023

Complimenti to Cristina Farronato for her simultaneous interpretation of groundbreaking writer and filmmaker Antonio Dikele Distefano’s remarks after a screening of his new film Autumn Beat at the SF Italian Cultural Institute’s celebration of Black Italian arts and cultures.

December 14, 2022

October 5, 2022

Congratulations to doctoral candidate Michele Segretario who has won the 2022 Italian American Studies Association Annual Memorial Fellowship Award for his dissertation-in-progress, titled “The Traveling Soundscape – An Acoustic Ethnography of the Italian Migration.” The award is offered to “the author of the year’s outstanding doctoral dissertation or masters thesis proposal or project in Italian American and Italian Diaspora Studies.”

May 17, 2022

Please join us in congratulating our alumna Elisa Russian, who has accepted a one-year postdoctoral position in the French Department of the University of Lausanne, Switzerland as the recipient of a Swiss Government Excellence Postdoctoral Fellowship!

April 1, 2022

Annamaria Bellezza has received a 2022 Distinguished Teaching Award for her inspiring and transformational teaching! This award is the campus’s most prestigious honor for teaching and it recognizes teaching that incites intellectual curiosity in students, engages them thoroughly in the enterprise of learning, and has a lifelong impact.

July 26, 2021

Congratulazioni! The Department of Italian Studies is delighted to announce Professor Henrike C. Lange’spromotion to Associate Professor with tenure. Professor Lange is a scholar of Italian and European medieval and early modern art, architecture, history, visual culture, and literature.

December 11, 2020

Mia Fuller has been appointed as Gladyce Arata Terrill Distinguished Professor effective July 1, 2020. We add our warm congratulations to the Berkeley chancellor’s on this well-deserved honor, reserved for distinguished faculty members.