Summer Abroad in Trieste and Venice

This program begins with three weeks in Trieste, a coastal city with a long history of intercultural exchange due to its proximity to Latin, Slavic, and Germanic cultures. In addition to the Italian language, you’ll study the history of Italy’s shifting northeastern borders and visit influential historical sites including the trenches from World War I. You’ll examine the literal and figurative scars left in this area from World War I and World War II and how they frame ideas of national identity.

The second half of the program takes place in Venice, a city famous for its canals, bridges and history. From shifting borders to shifting cultures, this section explores Venice’s relationship with the Mediterranean. While deepening your Italian language skills in Venice, you will explore how proximity to the Mediterranean has impacted Italian culture and society from the times of the Venetian Republic to today, addressing also current day migrations to Italy. Develop deeper knowledge and understanding of Italian history, society and culture from personal experience.